Forgotten History: A Past World

Decode the image to uncover events in history.

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Jan. 2, 2021
Start Date
Armchair Illustration


Forgotten History Hunts is a series of free armchair treasure hunts being posted on the Mysterious Writings forums. The prizes are small and unique but the hunts are fun and quick. These hunts are completely armchair and do not require BOTG. Questions and solutions can be submitted via the Mysterious Writings forums to user forgottenhistoryhunt.

The next hunt in this series is titled "A Past World" and includes a collage of images that should resolve to a Year and Title. The first to submit the correct answer will win a prize and three additional prizes will be drawn from all other correct solutions submitted by the end date. Prizes will be announced AFTER the hunt is solved.

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The rules and images to solve this hunt can be found on the Mysterious Writings forum here.