The Great US Treasure Hunt 2024
10 States, 10 coins, $10,000
After a year of recess, The Great US Treasure Hunt is back this fall for another annual treasure hunt! We were first introduced to The Great US Treasure Hunt back in 2021 when they hid four $10,000 treasure across the United States. The returned in 2022, naming six cities across the United States that each had a $1000 treasure hidden. This year we are up to ten $1,000 treasure hidden across the United States with at least on hidden somewhere in Hawaii or Alaska! The treasures will be spread fairly evenly across ten different states within the United States with five east of the Mississippi River and five west of the Mississippi River and at least two Pacific, Atlantic, Great Lakes, and Gulf states.
Clues will be delivered in the form of a book that can be purchased on the hunt's website and will lead hunters to the exact location of a coin that can be redeemed for $1,000. Coins will be hidden in a public space and will not be buried. Additional rules/claifications on how this hunt will work can be found on the hunt's website here.
Be sure to check back often and subscribe as more details about this hunt are released and posted here.
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Subscribe and check this page often as more updates from the hunt creators are released. Purchase the treasure hunt book on official hunt website here.