GRRiddler+ 2022

Everybody's got a "plus" these days.

Various Prizes
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Search Area
March 1, 2022
Start Date
BOTG Riddle Video


Keeping in the tradition of the Wyoming Riddler, a metal medallion has been hidden somewhere in the greater Grand Rapids area. The medallion will be marked with R.S.T.H (which means Read and Seek Treasure Hunt) and the hunt is free to participate in. Since the original 2022 hunt was solved before 2022 even started, a spring hunt has been released!

The medallion will be accessible 24 hours a day by the public. Additional clues will be released on the first Tuesday of each month until February. The hunt will end on the last day of February. If the medallion is not found by that time, the hunt will be over and the prize will roll over to the next year.

Start Here

Watch the video that includes riddle on Youtube here.

Clues & Hints

  • April's Clue: "Brothers and sisters he had none, but the father's boy is another's son."
  • May's Clue: "I didn't use zip ties this time."
  • June’s Clue: “Finding the medallion might be easier if you’re not a Yooper.”