Mr. Clue's Ticket to Ride Treasure

Will the longest route win you the treasure?

United States
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Jan. 15, 2021
Start Date
BOTG Video


Mr. Clue has returned in January 2021 with his latest treasure hunt based on another classic board game, Ticket to Ride. In the Ticket to Ride game players collect colored train car cards that are used to place railroad routes on a map of the United States. Players collect points by placing longer routes and connecting cities across the US. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

You'll need to use your knowledge of the Ticket to Ride board game in order to solve Mr. Clue's treasure hunt so be sure to pick up a copy of the game.

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Start Here

Be sure to pick up a copy of Ticket to Ride on Amazon here as a reference for this hunt. The hunt video with clues can be viewed on Youtube here.

Hunt Progress

The hunt has been solved! The Proxy item, a DVD copy of "Money Train" starring Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson, was found at the Hollywood, FL Train Station on Jan 28th, 2021.